Thursday, 21 July 2016




Somebody said, "Vision is the voltage that powers your life to the future." A blind woman was once asked, "What's worse than being blind?" She replied, "To have sight and no vision." Vision is powerful. Let's talk about some power-points of vision.
a person's finite mind. 

1. Vision is mental "technology" for visualizing the future. Vision gives you a glimpse of your future. Vision displays your tomorrow today. Vision is a tool for discovering purpose.Vision guides you beyond the immediate. Vision makes you future-oriented. It shows you where you're going and why you're going there. 

2. Vision cannot die. God-given vision has the attribute of the infinite God though located in a person's finite mind. You may eliminate a dreamer, but you cannot terminate his vision. True vision will outlive the visionary.

3. Vision is Transferable. It can be shared, transferred and bequeathed to next generation. A person who receives a vision would normally share with others. Shared vision becomes jointly owned. Vision must be shared because people are needed to fulfill vision.

4. Vision is a blessing. It's purpose is to be a blessing to people, build people, empower people to live successfully. True vision is unselfish.

5. Every person is born with a unique vision and endowed with potentials to fulfill the vision. You have been  endowed with a unique vision and equipped to fulfill it. Your vision is as close to you as your strongest legitimate desire. When you  discover your vision you'll also discover  your ability to fulfill it. Whatever you were born to do you were also equipped to do. You have abilities to meet your responsibilities. He who gives a vision also makes provision.

6. Vision has a time frame. It is for an appointed time.

7. It gives you direction and power to focus on that direction. You cannot miss your way following your vision. It provides lifts, stretch, clarity and focus. Vision helps you to move in the direction of your purpose and keeps you moving. It shows you the reason to wake up and go. Vision helps you to concentrate on results and not just activities. You cannot be distracted working out your vision.

8. Vision gears to action. It enlivens and promotes  enthusiasm. Living becomes delightful experience. Vision sustains life, empowers life and makes living meaningful. It shows you the reason to wake up and go. Vision gives you driving power to go through hard times. It makes the unreachable reachable, the impossible possible.

9. Vision is accomplished through planning, pursuing and perseverance. Once you make a concrete plan to move towards you vision, you steps will be guided. Making  plan doesn't mean you will automatically arrive at your vision. You must step out by work. You must take dogged actions. You might not get to your destination at first attempt. You need to consistently run with the vision. You've got to run persistently until you reach the vision.

10. Vision leads to fulfillment. In addition to bringing material prosperity, vision leads to ultimate success in life.

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